Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Carless Day

No live chickens or goats on the bus ride in today. But there was a live cat in a carrier. On the ride home from work I learned that if a guy yells out the window to his brother that he is visiting his PO today, that probably means parole officer, not post office!

Seriously, though, another quite pleasant experience riding the Asheville bus. I almost missed it getting home from work but caught it in the nick of time. Riding the bus involves a lot of walking, I'm finding out. And a heck of a lot of planning, which is not my strong suit. I didn't go straight home and will have a mile and half walk back home, unless I pay another dollar (which I won't). The walking is good for me and it's a beautiful day.

The bus was full both ways today. I had to stand part of the way. I am celebrating this, as it shows that the buses are well-used!!

Here is the link for the Asheville Transit Authority in case anyone is interested.

Here you can see fares, schedules, etc. I learned that some employers participate in a Passport Program so their employees ride for free. I don't believe Buncombe County does this yet, but maybe we could rally Buncombe County employees to persuade them to join.


Paul -V- said...

Hello. My name is Paul and I work for the Asheville Transit System. I appreciated this post.

If you have any questions about ATS, feel free to call my office number: (828) 279-8198.

Ken said...

I too rode the bus on Wednesday - #1 into town and #9 back to West Asheville. The 5:30 #9 was late leaving the terminal. The bus was full or nearly full in the afternoon.

#9 travels a line which has no bus stops on the section of Brevard Road between Haywood Road and I-240. That's a big section of neighborhood with no bus stops... Brevard intersects with Olney, Davenport, Rex, Morris, Morningside, and one more street. Why are there no bus stops in that area?

The drivers always kindly let me exit the bus in the neighborhood, though the nearest bus stop is half a mile away.