Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Packed Like Sardines and Rambling About Owls

Yesterday we were packed like sardines into the #1 10:35a.m. bus. People were standing in the aisles and those of us who were sitting were touching, whether we liked it or not. It strikes me that there are very few public situations where we are this close to strangers. It's especially rare for us small-town people...crowds are few and far between.

Before I got on the bus, there was one young man at my bus stop. He kept me informed about when the bus should get there. "5 minutes till the bus; 4 minutes till the bus; 3 minutes till the bus..." You get the idea. Just before the bus came, he got a new idea for a conversation topic and showed me a dollar bill. He said there was an owl in the corner and that symbolized some evil something or other...it involved secret societies and satan and sacrifices and what not. When the bus came, this guy got on first and sat in the front. Mercifully, the bus hadn't filled up yet and there were seats in the back, which is where I gratefully headed.

Today it is so cold, I was glad to carpool in rather than standing outside in 20 degree weather. I will ride the bus home, though. If I catch the 5:30 I won't have to walk all the way down Brevard Rd. I can already see that riding in the winter is going to take some gritty determination.


Lynn said...

You know that was God standing next to you at the bus stop, don't you? And those people you were touching in the bus. Isn't it wonderful?

"The eternal, the formless, the spirit, is the essence of every human being, no matter how insane or conflict ridden they may seem to appear on the surface," (ET) oh wow I just realized when I abbreviated his name that Eckhart Tolle who looks a little like an Extraterrestrial or an elf has the initials ET!

Ken said...

Was God correct about the arrival time of the bus?